Quellcode für tedega_view.server

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import re
import importlib
import venusian
from flask_cors import CORS
import connexion

from .registry import registry
from .views import ViewResolver

def register_endpoints(modul):
    # Scan for service endpoints and models in the given modul and store
    # these in the registry.
    scanner = venusian.Scanner(registry=registry)
    scanner.scan(modul, ignore=[re.compile('wsgi$').search])

[Doku]def create_application(modulname, swagger_file="swagger.yaml", run_on_init=None): """Will create a connexion application for the given domain modul in `modulname`. The method will register all endpoints of the modul and make them available with the definden REST-API given in the `swagger_file`. The funtion can optionally run a list of functions when the application is created. This can be used to start background processes like monitoring. The callable are give as a list of tuples. The first element in the tuple is the callable and the second element are the arguments used to call the callable. :modulname: String of the name of the domain modul/package. :swagger_file: Name of the Swagger config relativ to the given modul/package. :run_on_init: List of callable which are called after the application has been created. :returns: Connexion application. """ modul = importlib.import_module(modulname) register_endpoints(modul) package_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(modul.__file__)) swagger = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(package_directory, swagger_file)) connexion_app = connexion.App(__name__) connexion_app.add_api(swagger, resolver=ViewResolver()) CORS(connexion_app.app) if isinstance(run_on_init, list): for func, func_args in run_on_init: if func_args: func(func_args) else: func() return connexion_app